Anime Highschool of the Dead RP!!

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Jul 31, 2012 at 01:52AM
A unknown disease has come over the world, turning everyone into zombies except the survivors that are left. The disease is spreading quickly and you have one simple task... SURVIVE

These things are required:

Now lets kill some zombies! (I will be posting Anime Amv's once every week)
last edited on Jul 31, 2012 at 02:42AM

Anime 1751 replies

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over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(ok now I'm gonna give the Rangers some names any tips all i can think of is Steve, Rick, Alan, Eric, and Bill thats it)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(thats good :P)
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(lol but i need like 13 names for the 13 other Rangers thats only 5)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(lol,lets see if i can help)(Jackson,Burt,Johnson,Elliot,James,Co­nne­r,T­rev­or,­and Buck
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
(sounds good to me! ^_^)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(lol Trevor is my little brother's name XD, ok now so we got Trevor, Burt, Rick, Billy, Burt, Alan, Eric, Johnson, James, Elliot, Jackson, Buck and Steve, allright thats good thank you)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(No problem)
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
Aaron: Alright everyone pile in the Chopper make sure to leave room for the other 5, I will take the controls and pilot us to Karakura Town *he looks at the Rangers who were piling into the Chopper then he looks over at the others* Would any of you like to be the co-pilot Its a once in a lifetime oppurtunity *He smiles*
Trevor: Sir do you think its wise to have a civillian as a co-pilot
Aaron: Don't worry about it everything will be fine
Trevor: Yes sir *gets in the chopper and sits down*
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Luke:I do!! I've had expirience with these things....a lot of expirence *smirks and jumps in the front* Dan:*kissing Nikki* I love you so damn much....
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
Aaron: *looks in the front* Hey thats the wrong seat scoot your happy ass over to the co-pilot's seat
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki kisses him back. "I love you so damn much as well..."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Luke:No!! I want to be pilot!! you bget your happy ass into co-pilot's seat
Dan:*smiles softly* Stacey:*moans n her sleep* yes....right there Dan....*moans more* Dan:*turns red*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
Aaron: *He starts to get annoyed* If you don't move I'll make you walk all the way to Karakura town
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki growls a bit but stops and sighs. "I'm not going to get mad...I'm not..." She takes a deep breath and calms down. "Heh...I think I'm getting better at this...besides, if anyone is doing Dan, its going to be me." She quickly covered her mouth as her face turns red. Kaito chuckles. "Nice one cuz."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Luke:*aggitated* I will rip your throat out if you dont sit your ass down in the co-pilot's seat!! *Aaron by is collar and forces him to sit down* Ha!
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:*turns redder and does a nervous laugh* Stacey:*moans * yes right there,right there, *grabs Dan's hand in her sleep and slowly drags it below her waist*
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Kaito quickly and carefully replaces Dan's hand with his own. "There! You can relax now cuz. I can feel your anger radiating off of you." Nikki looks down at her hands to see they were in a tight fist. She opens her hands. "My bad..."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:What the hell? what if she-- Stacey:*sits up and blinks a few times and sees Kaito's hand* What the hell are you doing!!? *smacks him in the head* Dan:wait wait,no violence on the plane
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki couldn't help laugh a bit. Kaito laughs nervously as he put his hand on his cheek. "Sorry about that. You were holding my hand so I couldn't help it...."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:*looks the other way*Lier Stacey:*smacks him again*
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
Aaron: *gets out of the helicopter* Get the fuck out of this Helicopter now you are no longer welcome to ride here find another way to get there
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:*looks at Aaron*if he goes, i go! Stacey:yeah,me too! Dan:*grabs her hand and gets out the chopper* Bye Bye then! Luke:*jumps out the helicopter* Sucha crybaby.......
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki sweat drop and laughs a bit. "You really are the worst liar Kaito." Kaito stuck his tongue out at her. "Whatever...." He speaks to her telepathicly. I did it for you, you know? You owe me! Nikki smiles. Yeah I know. Thank you. Kaito smiles and relaxes. Nikki giggles and kisses dan deeply. "So now what?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:You and Kaito go to Karakura Town....*puts her back in the hellicopter
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
*Aaron sighs* You know what just get in the Helicopter, Bill get up here you and I are piloting the Helicopter
Bill: Yes sir *Gets out of the back and climbs into the co-pilot's seat*
Aaron: *looks at the others* It's my duty as a soldier to get you to your location safely now if you would get into the Chopper *He then gets into the pilot's seat*
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki grabs Dan's hand. "I'm not going anywhere without you."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Luke:Nope *turns around*Dan:see ya Nikki Stacey: *bye!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki shakes her head and jumps in his arms. "Nope! Not leaving you. I made that mistake once, I'm not doing it again. Your stuck with me whether you like it or not." She playfully sticks her tongue out at him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
Aaron: *He sighs* The lot of you are a pain in the ass ya know that
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:I'll be stuck with you forever then *smiles at her*
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki smiles. "You know it!" She kisses him.
over a year ago killshotzzz said…
(I'm gonna go for the night I'll catch ya'll later)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(K see ya!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
(See ya!)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:then again i might not......*kisses her deeply*lets just hope it doesnt come down to that......Stacey:*jumps on Dan's back again and giggles* Today was fun!! *licks his ear and whispers* I hope "We" have a lot of fun as well *smiles* Dan:Uhhhhh ummmmm,yeah!! I hope, I hate being bored!!
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki took a deep breath. "It won't. I know that now because I believe and fully trust you." Kaito whispers in her ear. "Then stop itching towards you gun." Nikki glances down and saw her hand an inch away from her gun. She quickly put her hand in her pocket and grabbed Dan's hand with the other, squeezing it a bit. "Thanks Kaito..." Kaito smiles. "Anytime!"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Stacey:*yawns and falls asleep again* Dan*not noticing Nikki squeeze his hand* :-_-''' Again? you just woke up like 60 seconds ago...... Luke:Want me to get her off your back?? Dan:No,its cool...... Luke:You shure? Dan:Positive!...
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Kaito gasps and reaches into his cape. "I almost forgot!" He pulls out a present and hands it Nikki. Nikki takes her hand out of her pocket and grabs it. "What's this?" Kaito smiles. "Open it." She let go of Dan's hand, tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. She looks inside and gasps. She pulls out a picture frame of her and her father from when she was younger. "N-No way..." Kaito crosses his arms. "There is something else in there." Nikki looks inside and gasp as she pulled out a silencer. "Shut up! I've been looking for one of these since my other one broke! Thank you Kaito!!" She hugs him and he hugs her back and then let's go. "Happy birthday Nikki!" Nikki blushes and smiles. "Hehe! Thanks!"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:*ears go up as he's not paying attenntion to Niki and Kaito* Father.......*looks up at th sky* why didnt you tell me my mother was a werewolf?? Im coming to kill you you zombiefied fuck *does a low growl* Luke:*puts his hand on Dan's shoulder* And your pack will be here to help..... Stacey:*moans* Dan! yes that the spot!* *unconciously licks his face reapediatly* Dan:*turns a slight red as he tries to ignore her*
over a year ago killer24 said…
(see he growls a lot)
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Nikki sighs and puts the silencer on her gun. She looks around and stares at stacey for a few seconds before shooting at a near by tree. "Wonderful! It was so silent I didn't hear anything! Awesome!" She kissed the silencer. "This is gonna make things much easier...." Kaito sweat drop. "Maybe that was a bad idea. Oh! Dan! You should do something for Nikki since its her birthday!" Nikki didn't pay attention to what kaito said as she admires her new silencer.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(That is something to growl about though,especially if he's a wolf....i mean come on,if my father created a zombie apocolypse and killed my mother i would growl to!! He's pissed at the fact that his father killed his mother XP
over a year ago killer24 said…
(good point, so what's up guys?)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Dan:Its not as quiet as you think *looks at Nikki* it sounded just as loud as a regular gun shot....maybe just a little louder. Luke:Yep.....that silencer isnt so silent..... Stacey:*licks Dans face more* Dan:*laughs a bit* I guess shes having a good dream....
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(enjoying my day off)(you?)
over a year ago killer24 said…
(dreading tomorrow i go back to school, music you?)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
(hehe glad this is my last year of school!! im going to college after this!!)
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
(Getting ready to celebrate my birthday with friends!! XD)
over a year ago musicxgirl18 said…
Kaito shook his head. "Its because of our ears. Good hearing. So Dan, how about you spend some alone time with Nikki and we'll wait for you two to get back!" Nikki still made no mind to them. "This is gonna be fun..." She smirks.