Anime Assassin Tournament RP

Windwakerguy430 posted on Jan 09, 2015 at 07:00PM
This is an RP is a tournament for assassins with skill and abilities in the art of killing, each assassin facing off against other assassins.
Backstory: A secret organization known as The Black Bullet, a group that hires assassins to complete assassination contracts, is wanting to find the top assassin in the city. The best way to find it is to bring each assassin from around the world and pin them against each other. The tournament is a deadly game with hundreds of assassins fighting and killing each other each day. Only one question remains. Who will win this tournament?
1: You may be assassins, but that doesn't mean you have to be a cold blooded killer. As you meet other assassins, you can have conversations with them, and even begin strong relationships with them, but, you can also be enemies with them.
2: You can not kill other RP's assassins. However, you are able to add contracts of criminals or hit targets. These can be killed, but, they will be acted out by whoever adds the contract. Multiple RPers can take these contracts and can fight over who kills the target for money.
3: The only way to win the tournament is to either disarm or badly injure assassins in the tournament. However, you can not kill them UNLESS the RPer who is the assassin allows it.
4: This is a R rated RP, so, discretion is advised for younger members. Strong language, blood and gore, and other such things are allowed. However, sex will be limited, but, if you wish to proceed with it, you must censor it out
5: Have a fun time
last edited on Jan 09, 2015 at 07:07PM

Anime 50 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Looks at the letter, that shows the city the tournament is to take place in) (Grins, knowing how the tournament will turn out, at loads his dual revolvers)
(The picture below is that of Kureigu)
last edited over a year ago
Kureigu: (Looks at the letter, that shows the city the tournament is to take place in) (Grins, knowin
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(My guy will be pretty much the same as in all other Rps.)

Itsuki: A tournament... Why was I invited everyone oughtta know I'm retired... Half of America already knows my Family History was tied to that Desmond guy who had super-assassin anscestors or whatever... *He sighed and walked into the city with a small bag strapped to his shoulder and a hidden blade under his jacket sleeve* This'll be interesting to say the least...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Hears a voice, then hides in an alleyway, with his dual revolvers ready)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *Before anyone realized he was there he quickly scaled the wall of the building alley side and crouched at the very corner of the building* It looks like a normal city though... What mad man would hold An Assassin Tournament in a populated City unless... That intend for us to target regular citizens...? No...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: Hmm..... sounds like no one is there. Probably a stray dog (Puts his pistols away and continues walking)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith: *held the flyer in her hand as she walked out of a nail salon.* Now this will be fun. *The smile on her face was as deadly as they come.* This is an awfully big city to be holding something like this in...Sounds like trouble..and man do I like trouble. *walks down the street after folding the flyer and hiding it in her jacket pocket. She surveys the crowd of people before her as she sips at her coffee she had been carrying*
Lilith: *held the flyer in her hand as she walked out of a nail salon.* Now this will be fun. *The sm
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Takes a bottle of soda out from his pocket and drinks from it) Man, this place sure is huge. Just one wrong step and I could end up nothing more than a dead body (Makes sure his guns are loaded) Better be careful walking around here
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *He parkoured thru residential and on the streets quickly likrle a blur to unsuspecting people pranking Cops with fire crackers and smoke bombs* Heheheh!! This is Fun!!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Finishes bottle and throws it into passing trash can, still walking down crowded street, keeping his identity secret amongst the crowd)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith: *leaning against the wall sipping her Iced coffee while she watches some kids playing soccer at a park across the street. She was beginning to get a funny feeling she wasn't the only one in the neighborhood that was invited to the tournament* 1....2.....3.... *She softly counted the number of people that walked by her she perceived that could possibly turn out to be some sort of threat.*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Walks by, but notices someone leaning against the wall) (suspicious of this person, walks away from the crowd and into an alleyway)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith: *eyes land on a man who suddenly left the path of the crowd and walked in an alleyway.* Well, well....what do we have here? *cautiously Lilith walked to the alleyway stopping only a few steps in*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Walks through the alleyway, then suddenly, hears footsteps, making him pick up his pace, but keeps his hands near his revolvers)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith: *grins seeing the man pick up his pace, she follows suit speeding up just a tad. Noticing he is keeping his hands in a certain place which is a good indication of weapons.*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Can tell someone is following them) (Damn, who the hell is this person. Probably another assassin. If they keep following me, I'll have no choice but to attack) (Keeps walking, slowly, walking faster)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *As seemingly from nowhere he appeared Jumping over Lilith and he dashed at Kureigu stepping to the side and using a few boxed as a pad he launched over the fence Rolling on the ground and standing to stick out his tongue* Ahahahahaha!! Stupid Cops you can't do shit if you can't even TOUCH ME!! HAHAHAHA! *He laughed loudly before turning and running away at full speed, but he smirked looking back at both Lilith and Kureigu he'd slipped medium sized Fire Crackers into Kureigus Pocket and Lilith's Boobs with a small note fluttering on their heads and as it landed the Fireworks Exploded creating a sensationally loud "KA-BA-BANG!!" Right on their person* Bwahahaha!! *He slid over cars and disappeared into the further dark alleyway in the other side of the street*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Note: Catch me if you can. I know why you're here.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Startled from the explosion, hurting him, then took out his revolvers) What the hell. Who was that bastard?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *One last bang could be heard but the Cops couldn't find the source though for Lilith and Kureigu it'd been a breeze with tracking, Itsuki was sitting down on the ground petting a small dog, a stray he kept clean and well fed* Hahaha there there Shiro... You're fine. *He smiled softly and pet his head*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (That bastard) (Turns to Lilith) May I help you
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith smirked at the man in front of her (Kureigo). She had shielded herself from the explosion but her chest still had tiny cuts that dripped blood. "You heard the man! catch him if we can!" She cracked her neck with a huge grin as she slipped the note back into her cleavage. "I love a good game!" Lilith took off full speed boots clicking loudly on the floor. She raced out of the alley way and jumped into the air sliding right over the hood of a car. She rolled into the grass and seemingly disappeared. Causing the man driving the car to panic.

Lilith was leaning against a tree across from Itsuki and the dog. "if it wasn't for the dog you'd be dead by now Firecracker" She smirked liking the nickname she had given the fellow assassin. She slipped her fingers into her cleavage and held the note between two fingers. "A little eager to start aren't you?" Her grin grew wider. "I like it."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Only left with curiosity: What in the hell is going on
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: Eheh if only. Actually I'm not so sure I wanna partake whatsoever. Seem a bit sudden yeah? Outta nowhere we get invites for some kinda tournament but look at this city is huge and busy too. That can't expect even the best assassins to kill for game in a city so filled with innocents with some exceptions of course. Oh and sorry bout the fire crackers gotta assume they got eyes everywhere but this back alley playground ain't a place anyone wants to see 24/7 so I had to make it real when were in public. If it still hurts use this its burn ointment *He tossed a small jar of lotion like medicine* Just rub it on the burns and injuries. I'd love if this sport weren't to involve innocents and the public eye. Nothing makes me happier than to rid the world of corrupt and hateful scum...
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith laughed catching the jar "Oh come now, you mean to tell me out of all the contracts you have done you don't think one person you killed could have been innocent?" She shook her head "Its not our job to decipher good from evil, its out job to follow orders. I will agree that this game is sudden and mysterious. Everyone involved should definitely proceed with caution. and there will be causalities" Not used to being so close to another assassin that wasn't trying to kill her or work with Lilith shifted and began walking away.
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *A knife flew at her head and plunged itself deep into the concrete wall next to her* Follow Orders...? I don't take orders from ANYONE... Defining Good and Evil may not be my job but I'll sure as hell fight for what I think is right down to the bitter end... *He walked over and forcefully drew out the blade in one tug* Now I don't care who's hosting this but I advise you... Get out while you can or you might have to deal with me... And trust me NEITHER of us want that. I also advise YOU to heed this as well... *He turned to Kureigu* But don't underestimate the higher powers in charge of this so-called "Game" or you might just Die. *He walked away in the opposite direction pulling his hood over his head and his cloak over his body as the dog followed*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Who the hell does this guy think he is? I ain't leaving just because of one guy. I'll win this tournament, no matter what) (Without another word, he walks off)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith flipped her hair over her shoulder inspecting it for damage "Men... don't they know hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn?" She sighed and looked to the sky, something tugged at her deep inside saying this tournament would be more of a hassle then pleasure. "If you take orders your a pawn, if you don't get your orders from anyone then you're not an assassin, you're a murder. At least being a pawn pays the bills." Lilith breathed deeply for a moment. "I think I should go to the gym now, those boys almost got me worked up. " With that Lilith walked further down the street to a black motorcycle with a matching black helmet with a pink spiked Mohawk on top, the visor was silver, blocking people from seeing her face. She hopped on and was off.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Let out a sigh and leaned against the wall) Damn, this is gonna be a lot harder then a I thought (Reaches into his pocket and pull out a picture of a girl, that looks like she is a few years younger then Kureigu) Don't worry. There is no way I'm losing. I'm winning this tournament, no matter what (Puts the picture back into his pocket and walked off)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith was in the gym in the back corner at the squat rack. She was easily squatting over 200 lbs. When she was out about she looked rather tiny but now that she was in the gym, flexing and working. people could easily see she was not some fragile girl. She was strong and a force to be reckoned with. The gym was full of grunts, machines buzzing, and the clanking of weights and bars being lifted and dropped.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (He was at the shooting range, practicing his shooting skills. However, he was able to shoot every last target, with 100% accuracy, as if it was nothing. Kureigu was able to keep this up until he was out of ammo)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *He bit his lip throwing off his hood and walking down the crowded street nimbly slipping thru pedestrians*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Walks out of the shooting range, making his way down the street, looking for a place to stay)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith headed to the locker room of the gym. She cleaned herself up and changed back into her street clothes. She headed to her bike whie still rummaging through her back pack. She had recently had a contract here so she already had connections with a place to stay. She leaned against the light pole next to her bike whie crolling through her phone "whats good around here to eat.....hmmm"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Finds a room, but, decides that he isn't able to sleep, so, goes out for a walk, but, as he walks out, he takes out the picture, and keeps looking at it, unaware of his destination, only caring for the person in the picture)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *He was sitting down at a small cafe eating a huge Parfait with a Crepe Jammed inside* Mmmn!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Lets out a sigh, then places the picture back in his pocket, then continues walking)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith had arrived at a cafe for food. She strolled inside and took a seat the bar like seating they offered towards the front of the cafe. When the waiter approached Lilith smiled wickedly "Well hello there." The waiter seemed to be at a loss for words but Lilith continued on anyway "Steak. Medium rare. French fries. Mixed vegetables, and a sweet tea... Please and thank you." The stunned man simply blinked and walked away to put her order in. In the mean time Lilith was busy spinning a coin on the table trying to get it to spin longer and longer each time.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (He found a bar, and walked in, and he said to the bartender) Give me a soda, please
Large Man: Soda? Ha ha. You hear this (Grabs Kureigu's shoulder and turns him around) This isn't some stupid kids store. I suggest you go and- (Kureigu punches him hard in the face, knocking him out in one punch, leaving the others shocked)
Kureigu: (Sits back down, and drinks from his bottle of soda)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *He was watching from across the street and he chuckled as he finished off the strawberry and last of the whipped creame* Sucks to suck dude... Walk it off... Heheh... *He slapped down the money and walked to the door noticing Lilith sitting down facing him he ducked behind a wall near the restrooms* Shit... She's here too...?! Damn... This day just keeps getting better and better... *He sighed* Damn... She's sharp so I can sneak out the conventional way... *He rubbed his chin thinking*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Keeps drinking, with the other members staying as far away from his as possible, while talking to one another quietly)
over a year ago KayKutie13 said…
Lilith was eating quietly observing everything around her. She made small mental notes about the people entering and leaving the cafe."Food here is not bad" She said to the waiter as he passed by.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Finally walks out of the bar, and heads to his hotel room)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
Itsuki: *He smirked* Aha...! *He looked behind at the restrooms her ran in and looked around to see a small window, he scampered up the wall and slipped thru the crack and jumped out into the alley behind the cafe, he looked at the darkening sky and the stars just beginning to become visible he sighed and ran his hands thru his hair* It's gonna be a good night for a stroll... *He jumped a bit and took off like a bullet weaving thru the crowds of people littering the street laughing to himself having fun jumping around and grinding the railings and wall corners* Whoo hoo!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Flips through the channels on his TV)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Kureigu: (Gets up and looks in his fridge, and takes out a bottle of soda and drinks it)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(HEY! Where is everyone)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(I'm waiting on Kay but I can't continue without her and seeing as she wont be coming back... Yeah...)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Same here)
over a year ago anifanfreak said…
(Well then...)
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(So, I guess we'll just continue, huh)