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Digimon Fans come here!! Gamespot

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called this is where you come in digimon fans!!!!!!!!!!! - Nintendo Fan Club - GameSpot
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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lets talk digimon style. first of all, digimon is sooo fun and thrilling. making it past the gaia origin was a relief but i just found out how to get my favorite digimon, so that was cool. right now i\'m really bored and looking for anyone with a bird digimon with 300 spirit+. tank you
also post fc mine is: 1849 0531 9938
er... Digimon, ok...:| uhm, in case u noticed, pkmn is better. bye, bye!
digimon i have a digimon game sold it for pokemon the reason you have so little people here is because people hardly like digimon in case you havent noticed pokemon is better
no it isn\'t I used to play pokemon 24/7 and it sucks! well compared to digimon. try it :0 :)
just like I told the other guy I still think pokemon is stupid (once you beat the game) and just try it again... addicting!
:|............ Ok, so 1: digimon is pretty much, a clone gone wrong of pokemon.
2: i have never seen digimon, on any videogame store for the last 8 years.
3: you r the only person i have heard saying digimon is better than pokemon.
4: digimon is broke. you r never going to find someone trading u a digimon.
Hey. This other guy who i saying Digimon sucks is just trying to screw you over. Its an underrated game (Digimon of course not Pokemon). You should check the Digimon DS boards on Gamespot. Seacrch the game.
Love Digimon but the DS games were never released here :(.
3 DS Digimon games came out here. :| Anyone who looked up the history knows that Digimon didnt rip-off pokemon. Digimon World games were good back in the day. And to the Original Poster trying to talk about digimon around here is kinda futile.
[QUOTE="Vexx88"]3 DS Digimon games came out here. :| Anyone who looked up the history knows that Digimon didnt rip-off pokemon. Digimon World games were good back in the day. And to the Original Poster trying to talk about digimon around here is kinda futile.
digimon came before pokemon didn\'t it? I mean the whole show and all too
Pokemon is great game and a horrible, horrible anime; and Digimon is ****/decent game (depending on the game), but an amazing anime.
Fix\'d.Seriously, though. The Pokemon anime got out of hand after a couple seasons, and the Digimon games rarely did the series the justice it deserved. I think I only like one of the Worlds on PSX, but that\'s it. Pokemon got the gameplay on the bullseye.
I still, personally, like Veemon more than any Pokemon.
I remember watching the first seasons of digimon and loved it. You say the DS game is decent, I may have to check it out
I didn\'t even know they still made Digimon games...
Digimon came out before pokemon and digimon is way better than pokemon in my opinion pokemon overrated and digimon is underrated
In digimon they can go back to their original forms but in pokemon they stay at their evolution
In digimon the digimon actally do die in pokemon they never die
the digimon stories are better in their games or anime is about saving the world in pokemon in pokemon it just stopping some organization and getting badges
but i do like the pokemon games but digimon will always be the best in my heart :D
incorrect. digimon began as a virtual pet in 1997, the year after pokemon was released. i believe digimon to have had a better anime series, but theres no question as to which games are better.
look at these scores. the highest is a 7.2, with the average being a 5. i\'ve played these games (or alot of them anyway) and i wholeheartedly agree with the reviews.
oh, thats very nice, lets kill digimon!
"digimon look cooler than pokemon" thank you for that very sophisticated answer, which is backed up by many reasons(0).
actually, they dont die. their data just changes form. anyone seen the digimon movie? yeah, the giant mutated thing comes back as a baby again. thats how they explain it.
Digimon is by far better than Pokemon, at least for me. I always liked Digimon more, maybe because they could actually talk. I have Digimon World: Dawn for the DS but I haven\'t had the time to play it. Still a big Digimon fan. I\'m not sure if they\'re coming out with more DS Digimon games though?
I wouldnt mind a Digimon game, but it lacks things which Pokemon has like 400-500 pokemon. AFAIK, there\'s only like
well put;) here in europe, only 1 digimon game has been released. It took hours to actually hear the word "digimon"
lol. Your number 1 is a fail. Try looking up when Digimon actually started and get your facts straight. ALSO, on a different note, Digimon was originally shot to a more mature audience both in Japan and America, and most kids never got into it here. So it fell by the wayside while the more simple, and kiddy version (pokemon) gained steam and grew HUGE.
I do think that digimon has far more potential (game-wise) than pokemon. With the strong and fierce like digimon... they just aren`t doing it correctly.
dont tell him to get HIS facts straight. you should research it a bit. as i stated earlier in this thread, digimon begain in 1997 as a virtual pet, and then as a TV show in 1999. pokemon was released in 1996 as a GBA game.
exactly. also, xxdante666xx, give me 3 reasons on how digimon is more mature than pokemon. And, really, give me 3 reasons on how didgmon is different and better than pokemon(apart that digimon is worse than pokemon:lol:lol
1. Digimon can talk. It\'s much more pleasnt than having to hear Pikachu for hours upon hours.
2. Digimon is very serious. Somewhat debateble, I guess, but Digimon has lots of different characters that do fall under regular anime cattegories, but they are still interesting, and all of them have more backstory and depth than any character from pokemon.
3. The action. While digimon and pokemon are both about monsters fighting each other, Digimon battles are always more epic, and you always want the kids to win. Why? Because if they don\'t win they could very well be killed. In pokemon there is never that threat, and whenever Ash loses, it\'s no big deal.
4. Things that it promots. Pokemon promotes alot of terrible things. Animal abuse, leaving your parents at the age of eleven to fend for yourself. Granted this happens to the kids in digimon occasionally, (Pretty much all of season one, part of season 2, part of season three, All of season 4, and part of season five(Which doesn\'t count cause all the characters are 18 except for Kegaen.)) they only stay in the digital world because they need to, not because of their own selfish desires.
There\'s your three reasons with an extra one thrown in. And don\'t think I\'m a Pokemon hater, I love all of the pokemon games, and I actually enjoyed the first season of pokemon, but after that it just got repitative and boring. It just burns me up when people say pokemon and digimon are the same thing. They are monsters that battle each other. That\'s pretty much their only similarity.
I still very much enjoy the Digimon series. The games, not so much. The show, I still watch them on occasions and still love em.
actualy theres 1025 digimon or something crazy like that
This forum has dissolved into a bash thread associating pokemon to digimon. It\'s opinion based people. If somebody likes one over the other then let them. I understand that there is obviously bias when it comes to these sort of games, and I myself am biased, but that shouldn\'t allow you to just come in here to come down upon somebody.
you are talking about the anime, not the games. pokemon promotes a lot of bad things?you might as well say road runner promotes bad things, because it shows that coyotes are very bad and horrible creatures. all cartoons"promote bad things"but everyone knows they\'re not real.
Except in tamers, regularly where the loser\'s data is absorbed by the winner, and a few other special circumstances.
i am a digimon fan too lol. i hate pokemon now. i use to play pokemon but im too bored of it... its so boring... anyway soz i got no bird digimon cause i hate bird digimon. but still i want to vs someone in pokemon. if anyone on pokemon wanna vs me give me a message and i will give you my fc.
dont think i ever saw that part of the series. ill take your word for it though
in terms of the games, pokemon is better. But in terms of the actual show, digimon is superior(well for the first 3 seasons anyway)
They never made a big deal about it in tamers, besides the part where leomon dies, and I mean really dies. They were just like "well, another digimon is attacking lets go kill it."
In digimon data squad Kurata killed digimon too at least I\'m almost certain of that, but I couldn\'t really ignore the horrible writing in that as easily as I could in the older seasons. The characters weren\'t little kids any more they aren\'t allowed to sound that cheesy.
I find it funny, one of the main characters is kid that was raised in the digital world so he sounds like a native american, he struggles to speak proper english, but the digimon that raised him speak perfect english.
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I agree with you. All the Digimon fans need to stand up for Digimon over Pokemon. Pokemon fans thinks they can bully Digimon fans and get away with it. Well us Digimon fans are not gonna sit here and take this from Pokemon fans. We Digimon fans need to stand up for Digimon.
posted over a year ago.